All Categories

  • All Categories
  • Integrated Pest Management
  • Wavar Stock Point
  • Traps
  • Lures
  • KSK Product
  • Crop Protection
  • Insecticide
  • Fungicide
  • Herbicide
  • Bio-insecticide
  • Bio-fungicide
  • Soil Nutrition
  • Fertilizer
  • Micronutrients
  • Bio-fertilizer
  • Crop Nutrition
  • Plant Growth Regulator
  • Plant Growth Promoter
  • Seed
  • Hardware
  • Spray Pumps
  • Murghas Bag
  • Tadptri
  • Crop Cover
  • Fruit Cover
  • Foam net
  • Shade net
  • Mulching
  • Solar Lights
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Machinery
  • Portable Soil Testing Kit
  • Netsurf
  • Herbs & More
  • Naturomore Supplements
  • Biofit
  • Others
  • Drip Suddhi

About Us

Wavar B2B

A brand of Shetipurak Agritech and Services Pvt Ltd. 

The company is dedicated in the development of Agriculture Ecosystem via its initiatives : 

Wavar B2B - An Agri B2B Marketplace

Wavar Corner - Wavar's Franchisee Stores

Wavar Mitra - An agri-preneur initiative

Wavar B2B is the backbone of the initiative with a ready supply chain of 100's of Manufacturer directly supplying goods on our platform which can be bought by the Retailers / FPO's or anyone else at the best in market Wholesale rates. Establishing a direct Manufacturer - Retailer supply chain. 

Wavar's Initiative started in Aug 2020, with a Pvt Ltd incorporation in 2021. The main promoter of Wavar is holding 20+ years of Experience in Agriculture Inputs marketing and business development across Mah, MP , Gujrat and Rajasthan. With the advent of technology Wavar will be bringing a mega revolution in the Agri Ecosystem with a key focus on the current market retailers and other influencers. 

For any queries or concerns please reach out our dedicated customer care :